If you're still trying to figure out what your true calling is, a free career interest test can help. 如果你还没弄明白自己真正的职业兴趣是什么,那就做一个职业兴趣测试吧。
This is especially true when considering that the requesters have no interest, relationship, or responsibility to understand the process of service aggregation. 当考虑到请求程序没有兴趣、关系或责任了解服务聚合的过程时,这种说法是完全成立的。
Contrariwise, it is true that every time you acquire a new interest even more, a new accomplishment you increase your power of life. 但反过来说,每当你获得一种新的兴趣甚至一项新的造诣你就增长了你的生活本领。
It is not true that tighter standards are in the interest of all. 关于更严格的标准有利于各方的说法是不对的。
From "Little Lord Fauntleroy" I date the beginning of my true interest in books. 自从读过《小爵爷方特勒罗伊》后,我对书籍就产生了真正的兴趣。
Germany and other parts of Europe are too dependent on Russian energy to confront Moscow; the US, while terribly sorry, does not have a true national interest in who controls which part of eastern Ukraine. 德国和其他欧洲国家过于依赖俄罗斯的能源,从而无法与莫斯科对抗;美国尽管表示极为遗憾,但它在谁控制乌克兰东部哪个部分的问题上没有真正的国家利益。
Business must therefore speak up and show where the true global interest lies. 因此,它们必须大声地讲出来,指出真正的全球利益所在。
This is true of real house prices, inflation, interest rates and debt ( see chart). 以实际房价、通胀率、利率和债务来看,情况的确如此(参见图表)。
Because capital is being repaid almost immediately but total interest is still 200, the true interest rate is much higher than 20 per cent. 由于本金几乎是马上就开始偿还,而总利息仍为200英镑,因此真实利率远高于20%。
True, the Fed's zero interest rate policy has kept the yield curve steep. 的确,美联储的零利率政策使得收益率曲线保持陡峭。
True or ultimate owner whose interest may is conceal by a nominee. 真正的或最终的所有人,他的权益也许会被任命者所掩盖。
Hopefully, China will allow the renminbi to reach its true value in the interest of making it a reserve currency, and so support such a commitment. 但愿中国为了让人民币成为储备货币,允许人民币达到其真正价值,并由此支持这种承诺。
Whether all this was true or not did not interest Herod. 所有这些是不是真实的,希律王并不感兴趣。
The internal rate of return represents the true interest rate earned in an investment over its economic life. 内含报酬率是项目在其寿命周期内所实现的真实收益率。
A true friend should be someone who has a genuine interest in you. 真正的朋友应该和你有真挚的情感。
Frankly, allow me to know your expertise and true interest so that accordingly I can work out the options for you and can allocate web site projects to you. 坦白地说,能否更真实地告诉我你真实的兴趣和能力,从而我可以对你的工作做出选择,分配合适的网站工作给你。
It simply is not true inflation rate is higher than interest rate. 说通货膨胀率高于利率根本不是真实的。
It is true the new US administration may show more interest in resolving the conflict early on. 没错,美国新政府开始时或许对于解决双方冲突更有兴趣。
It is true that oil is not the only interest Britain has at stake in Libya. 诚然,石油并不是英国在利比亚唯一需要考虑的利益。
This is true if apples and oranges are of intrinsic interest on their own, but may not be if they are used to contribute to a wider question about fruit. 桔子和苹果有其本身各自的内在特性,但如果将它们加在一起算什么呢?
True, in the classic analysis of a zero interest rate liquidity trap, the ideal policy is a money-financed temporary surge in government spending. 诚然,在经典的零利率流动性陷阱分析中,最理想的政策是:在有资金支持的前提下,临时性大幅提高政府支出。
A true friend takes interest in understanding what you're all about. 真正的朋友会对你身边的一切感兴趣。
Except some countries of Latin America, interest rate market-oriented reform causes true rate of interest rising of competence generally, but the range of rising mainly depends on macroeconomy environment especially economic growth stability and financial capability. 除拉美一些国家外,利率市场化改革一般都将导致实际利率水平的上升,但上升的幅度主要取决于宏观经济环境特别是经济增长稳定性和资金充裕程度。
Practice True Essence of Teaching and Learning with Interest 在情趣中实践教与学的真谛
Conduct effect of interest rate of monetary policy mainly concludes the mobile effect, interest rate investment and consumption effect, Tobin's Q effect, Annie's permanent long income effect, assets adjusting effect and true capital price effect of interest rate etc. 货币政策利率传导效应主要有流动性效应,新古典综合派的利率投资和消费效应,托宾Q效应,莫迪里安尼的恒久收入效应,利率真实资本价格效应和资产调整效应等。
If we com true market interest, which can promote balance development of finance market, decrease interest risk, release pressure of RMB devaluation, and enhance the influence of interest. 实现利率市场化,可使国内金融市场处于平衡的状态,化解利率市场下的利率风险和缓解本币贬值压力,还可不断完善货币市场,为利率市场化提供稳定的平台,提高利率的影响力。
"true meanings" are the contents of the poems; and "true interest" is the natural demonstration of his poems 'expression. “真意”是就其诗之内容而言,“真趣”是其诗之神态上的自然表现。
Nevertheless, such a value judgment should be based on the recognition of scientific truth as well as on the accurate grasp of the true and essential interest relation between subjects and objects, otherwise value truth can not be correctly understood. 但这种价值真理认识,必须建立在科学真理认识基础上,把握客体对主体真实的、本质的利益关系,否则,就没有价值真理可言。
First of all, the relevant relation needs to be discovered between the financial processes and true interest rates of the society. 首先,全社会的金融化进程与真实利率之间正相关关系;
This article has six chapters: The first, to determine the expression of true intention and interest of the parties to the contract is buying and selling houses. 全文共六章,具体思路是,首先,确认合同双方当事人缔约合同时具有买卖房屋的真实意思。